Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Zimbabwe can rise from the ashes

12 November 2008

The deadlock between the two parties in Zimbabwe offers an opportunity for pilot studies on different African governmental approaches.

Zimbabweans can become a learning tool for the rest of Africa.

Zimbabwe could be divided into two or three sections with equal economic opportunities for a period of twenty years.

Each section can be run as an independent republic.

The division of the land needs be done in such a way that it can function independently and have equal opportunities to succeed.

Let Mugabe choose which section he wants to rule and let the opposition rule the rest.

As they rule independently, each may choose a flag and anthem to merge the people but they retain the main Zimbabwean flag also, as well as the National anthem.

Each form their own finance departments, police force, build hospitals and schools. The first world countries can lend a helping hand.

After twenty years the most prosperous method of government can be determined under the following categories:

  • Dept free economy;
  • Medical;
  • Education;
  • Sport;
  • Environment & wildlife;
  • Social system;
  • Unemployment level and general standard of living;
  • Etc.

The winning section will become the system to implement across the board when the republics merge in 2028.

The eyes of Africa can be focused on these different governmental approaches and all can learn from it.

At the end of the twenty year pilot study, armed with the most successful approaches towards prosperity and peace, all Zimbabweans can again embrace their one flag.

Zimbabwe in reality never splits.

The methods that will pull Zimbabwe out of the ashes will be methods that can be adopted by other impoverished African countries.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


African Leaders need to strive towards bringing a balance between their Ancestral duties and the destinies of their souls. They should embrace the privilege given to them to lead their countries to harmony and prosperity. Not just the people, but also all life that inhabits the soil, air and waters of their land.

The soul of Africa needs to heal so that she again, through her ancestors, feels the pulse of mother Africa. Africans need to honor all life so that the kingdom of God descends again to earth.

If man indeed originated in Africa, then according to Biblical history, one can assume that paradise was once on African soil.

How do the ancestors feel about their African leaders living in glut and fighting among themselves for power, while their people suffer so horrifically?

View some of the faces of people who can make a difference

Monday, November 3, 2008

To separate the milk from the cappuccino


If the first world follow the examples of some of the developing African Nations, by suppressing Europeans and make them feel unwelcome, many Africans, living overseas, would suffer.

There is not one nation in the world that did not have blood on their hands in the past.

There is not one nation that does not have a history of suppression or deceit.

In the past it was each nation for himself, and they did what they needed to do to outwit and eliminate the enemy; whom ever they perceived the enemy to be.

The strongest nation won, and in some cases the enemy was eliminated so completely that there are few left to seek revenge.

Today the descendants of ancient tribes are scattered all over the globe. We need to be kind to those unlike us, as we would like others to be kind to our kin abroad.

Today the enemies of nations are those who do not recognize the global community.

We are no longer separate nations. We are one humanity with responsibilities to care for individual countries.

Africa needs to wake up and embrace the global civilization.

We can no longer afford to try and separate the milk from the cappuccino. We need to stand together to save our world.

We need to work towards creating a better life for all global citizens.


03 November 2008

There are among Africa's leaders, those who work, knowingly or unknowingly, against peace.

These people are the children from a time of struggle and human injustice.

We all know that children learn by the knees of their parents and grandparents. That what is accepted as the truth (or the norm), in childhood, may influence the rest of their lives. This influence persists, even if, for a time, different values are adopted.

Children, who were taught that people from a different race are the enemy, inferior or untrustworthy will be influenced by these misconceptions, when choices between people of different races are to be made in later life.

Hidden childhood desires for revenge and retribution may remain dormant for many years, while giving the impression that the individual is an ambassador for peace. The Zimbabwean struggle is an example.

It is therefore very difficult for children of the apartheid era, in South Africa, to be non-racist.

Our hope for unity lies with children who entered mixed schools since 1989, and are today entering adulthood, as well as those elders who were educated overseas. Many of these youths accepted people of different races as equals in spite of the prejudices of their elders or colleagues.

The Freedom Fighters may not feel comfortable with peace for too long. They may feel that they lost their purpose in life. From early childhood they were taught how to retaliate and fight back. They crave for the adrenaline rush during an unrest. Their heroes carried a gun, and not a banner for peace.

"One rainbow nation" was born with Nelson Mandela's walk to freedom. For many that is a new concept.

Freedom fighters on both sides of the fence try to relearn their ways for the sake of peace, but many fail.

We hear words, like Great Britain is the enemy, when the reality is that Great Britain cares little about what happens in Africa today.

We hear words like "Killing for Zuma", when all that is needed for peaceful governance is an election where the people decide who should rule.

We see political parties split, because peace is so difficult and un-stimulating. We see governmental interference on all peaceful prosperous levels of society in order to create hardship and unrest under the banner of "leveling the playing fields".

During times of struggle the freedom fighters have a purpose in life. In peacetime it is as if they try to create hardship and struggle. Fighting for freedom is in their blood. Peace makes them uncomfortable. Victory, in their minds, needs to be preceded by a struggle.

Their parents could not teach them how to be victorious and embrace peace. They could only teach them how to overcome hardship.

We need to understand this.

We need to recognize this.

We need to ride this stormy political wave.

Many of our leaders are good people who were damaged by society as children. Many of the youths at high school today still nurture suppressed anger because of damaged adult role models.

It may take a few generations for peace to become a permanent reality. Yet we are slowly moving towards peace, even if life in Africa reflects a sentiment of war.

Mandela's rainbow nation will one day be a reality, even if it may not happen in our lifetimes.

The world will remember Nelson Mandela and his Rainbow Nation.

Perhaps one-day South Africa can be named "The Rainbow Country" - "Mandelaland".

Ex Unitate Vires 20 October 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Full tummies at night should be the farmer's delight.


Today in many African countries redistributing land among the people is an emotional issue.

However, we need to be realistic. Narrowing the gap between those who have and those who have not should not start with the farmer. Redistributing wealth should start with the capitalist.

Dividing land that has the capacity to feed many thousands should not be cut up and distributed among people who may only have the expertise and finances to feed twenty families.

Seeing the satisfaction of twenty families finding a meaning to life should be measured up against thousands of Africans dying from hunger.

It makes better sense to encourage farmers, who have the expertise to produce, to farm for the millions of starving Africans rather than increase the glut of developed nations.

The Motto.

Never break down structures that can boost economies and reduce hunger and hardship. Rather make sure it does what it is capable of.

Simonye 01-11-2008

Emotional land redistribution

Leaving the land in the hands of those who can feed the nation and boost the economy seems to make good sense in Africa.

Thousands of people died from hunger in Zimbabwe because of emotional land distribution.

Is the value of land worth so many lives of African brothers and sisters?

Painting by Belia